Root Canal therapy is the removal of the nerve from the inside of the tooth due to the tooth being badly damaged from disease, injury or decay. Root canal treatment is required if the tooth becomes infected or inflamed. The ultimate aim of this treatment is to save the tooth. A root canal requires two or more treatment visits, please arrange an appointment with one of our dentists to discuss the treatment options available to you.
The Most Qualified Doctors
Our highly qualified, experienced and friendly team members, the team endeavour for our patients to gain a complete understanding of their oral condition.

Dr. Jun Jiang
M.I.P.H ( Syd Uni)
Member of Australian Dental Association
Fellow of International Congress of Implantologist
Member of International Team of Implantology
Member of Australian Institute of Medical Scientist

Dr. Jack Lu
B.D.S (Otago Uni)
Member of Australian Dental Association
Member of NZ Dental Association

Dr. Chunxiang Fan
Member of Australian Dental Association
A.D.Cert (Melbourne)